공연 > The Most Beautiful in the World – Principia

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공연 > The Most Beautiful in the World – Principia


공연명The Most Beautiful in the World – Principia
시간at 8pm
연령7+ years old
티켓정보R 50,000 won / S 30,000 won
Principia: The Most Beautiful in the World23-year-old British college student Isaac Newton returns to hometown for self-quarantine when an epidemic broke out. The quarantine last more than a year and one day, Isaac had a ‘normal’ experience where he woke up to an apple fallen upon him from a tree while sleeping under it. Based on this experience, he wrote a book titled “Principia” in 1687 and his name has become a history since then.Newton’s curiosity and perspective toward the future“Principia” is the book that contains his creative thinking and his perspective of the world, and his laws of motion will be staged in a new art form this fall. “Principia” is an upgraded version of “1687 – the Principle on Motions.” Choreographer Ahn Sang-hwa has staged Newton’s the most beautiful Principia by incorporating media art to his choreography grafted with humanity in order to realize intuitive visual perfection. The combination of dance, text, piano and media art is a dynamic process of creating something new from these different artistic elements.“Principia” is the work where the texts of humanities, science, and philosophy come in in the background of the refined piano playing mixed with the uncolored Oriental voice on stage. Then the Principia, study of the principle of motions, gets staged in the form of human body movements and further developed into a highly modernized Korean traditional dance. This work is created to show a transforming process of Newton’s scientific laws into an artistic principle through body movements.   
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