크롬 원격 데스크탑에서 마우스 드래그 동작 제스쳐 > 서버관리

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크롬 원격 데스크탑에서 마우스 드래그 동작 제스쳐

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 (61.♡.26.29) 작성일 18-06-08 23:33 조회 3,201 댓글 0


Access another computer with Chrome Remote Desktop

Use gestures while using a computer remotely

Scroll up or down: Swipe with two fingers.
Click and drag: Drag with a finger.
Zoom: Pinch and stretch with two fingers.
Show keyboard: Swipe up with three fingers.
Show the toolbar app: Swipe down with three fingers.
Move the mouse: Swipe anywhere on the screen (only in Trackpad mode).
Left click: Tap the screen.
Right click: Tap the screen with two fingers (only in Trackpad mode).
Middle click: Tap the screen with three fingers (only in Trackpad mode).



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